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Conductivity Standards > 카달로그 요청

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Conductivity Standards

페이지 정보

엑스지오텍 답변을 준비중 입니다. 62 Views  23-09-23 10:54 


 Conductivity Standards
51300169 10  µs/cm, 250 mL
30111141 10  µs/cm (Sachets), box with 10 x 20 mL (일시적생산중단)
51302153 84 µs/cm, 250 mL
30111140 84 µs/cm (Sachets), box with 10 x 20 mL
51300170 500  µs/cm, 250 mL
51350092 1413 µS/cm, 250mL
51350096 1413 µS/cm, 6 x 250mL
51302049 1413 µS/cm (Sachets), box with 30 x 20 mL
51350094 12.88 mS/cm, 250 mL
51350098 12.88 mS/cm, 6 x 250 mL
51302050 12.88 mS/cm (Sachets), box with 30 x 20 mL
51350072 Electrolyte 3 mol/L KCl, 250mL
51350080 3 mol/L KCl, 6 x 250 mL
51343180 Electrolyte 3 mol/L KCl, 25 mL
51350078 Electrolyte 1 mol/L KNO3, 250 mL
51350086 1 mol/L KNO3, 6 x 250 mL
51343182 1 mol/L KNO3, 25 mL
51343181 1 mol/L KCI, 25 mL
51350106 ISA solution TISAB 3, 250mL
51350108 ISA solution 0.9 mol/L Al2(SO4)3, 250ml
51343184 Electrolyte 3 mol/L KCl Sat AgCl, 25 mL
51350074 Electrolyte 3 mol/L KCl Sat AgCl, 250 mL
51350082 KCl-Solution, 3 mol/L, AgCl saturated, 6 x 250 mL
51343180 Electrolyte 3 mol/L KCl, 25 mL
51343185 Friscolyt-B, 25 mL
51350076 Friscolyt-B, 250 mL (#9848)
51350084 Friscolyt-B, 6 x 250 mL
51350100 Cleaning solution Pepsin-HCl, 250mL
51350102 Cleaning solution Thiourea, 250mL
51350104 Regeneration solution, 25mL
30095314 pH All-in-One Kit I (pH buffer 4.01 / 7.00 / 9.21, 3 mol/L KCl, Cleaning solution (Pepsin-HCl), Storage solution), 6 x 250 mL
30095315 pH All-in-One Kit II (pH buffer 4.01 / 7.00 / 10.00, 3 mol/L KCl, Cleaning solution, Storage solution),  6 x 250 mL
30111142 InLab Storage Solution
30045061 Cleaning Solution Pepsin-HCI, 6 x 250
51350088 LiCl 1M/EtOH electrolyte 6x30ml


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