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RCT basic > 이화학기기

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  • RCT basic
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RCT basic > 이화학기기

RCT basic 요약정보 및 구매

For almost half a century, RCT basic has not only been our bestseller, but also the standard and reference device in laboratories and research facilities worldwide. The RCT basic magnetic stirrer stands for reliability, exceptionally long product lifetimes and the highest safety standards. RCT basic is suitable for stirring tasks up to 20 l (H2O) and reaches a hotplate temperature of up to 310°C. With the connection option for an external temperature sensor (PT 1000.60 included in delivery), the temperature can be measured and controlled directly in the reaction medium. Thanks to perfect insulation of the aluminum heating plate, maintenance-free EC motor and electronic switching power supply, RCT basic features excellent energy efficiency as well as reduced self-heating of the heating plate during stirring operation, thus contributing to a more sustainable laboratory. In the latest generation, RCT basic presents itself in proven quality and with numerous new features:

판매가격 전화문의
제조사 IKA
원산지 Germany
모델 RCT basic
배송비결제 주문시 결제

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